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+ Europe = - nationalism

Being social animals we are susceptible to experience reality from the same premise as the members of the group we are identified with. This group can be football club fans or a nation. Deep down the principle is the same and it forms a key aspect of social constructivism. The complex mechanism based on narratization that moves the societies.
Unfortunately, it is so much easier to mobilize people to destroy than to create something new and better. Brexit is just a recent proof of this failure of the human character so easily moldable by skillful myth-makers who know very well that most of the human beings would rather choose a promise of a false order over an adventurous change, although the change would bring progress.
Among many truths the Brexit myth-makers haven’t shared with their followers is that the history is dead. We have reached a point where what we were or what we believe to know about the past has almost insignificant relevance for predicting the future. The Empire, which grow from the misery of other nations, is nothing but a tail to keep in a box together with Ivanhoe, Arthur, Marlin or Mogley. But, not a single one of the Brexit leaders will get it place in the box. They will fade away. The time will erase them together with other gray-suited souls that build their ambitious political careers on destroying Europe.
On the other hand, the time will erase all those European technocrats whose lack of vision and inspiration has converted Europe in a supermarket. Those insipid shadows whose lack of perspective, generosity and spirit feeds the populist narratives that pretend to use Brexit as a plot.
It is true that the long gone Empire’s myth has a solid narrative base to be exported outside the UK borders by the recently formed Brexit government . But Europe is greater than all of them and it will rise stronger and stronger with generations of European’ born. Generations who feel, act and think as European, proud of the past, but aware of the false premises and promises that led us to repeat wars and destruction. Generations born with the equation:
+ Europe = - nationalism
It is my dream. You can make it real.


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