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Color blinded on Mars

Every time you ask for an extra plastic bag in the supermarket, have a doubt between paying a bit more for a sustainable instead of use&dispose product, take your car to go two blocks instead of walking or any other time you believe that it doesn’t matter and that maybe after all this climate change thing is “blown out of proportion”; you are one step closer to becoming color blinded on Mars.
Today, the entire World population is actually living the 3rd World War. And it is not the war between nations or religions, terror or imperialism. It is a war between two completely incompatible ideas. Between TINA and GAIA.
On one side it’s the powerful machinery of the ideology risen from Thatcher/Reagan; There Is No Alternative, neoliberal ideology that culminated in 2001 with Communist Republic of China joining the World Trade Organization.
On the other hand is a disperse movement most closely related to the notion of GAIA principle. The one that proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.        
TINA believes in a consumerism free market World, where the conditions are “freely” regulated by the imperative of the unlimited and unconditional GDP oriented growth, where eventually some witty genius entrepreneur will come up with a solution to clear the Earth from the CO2 and all the other  waste it leaves behind. So brother, why bother?     
GAIA knows the humans are just a part of the nature and not its masters. She knows that no matter how smart we think we are, we are submitted to its laws and under no circumstances it could ever be other way around.
TINA also knows this is true. But she can’t let everyone else to know it. If they would, it would change the way the people live and it would be the end of TINA. So instead, TINA plays on one card that always worked with a human nature: Insert a doubt in our mind;
What if?
What if all this mambo jumbo about human destroying the Planet is just a neo communist plot to overthrow our way of life? What if after all, it’s just a part of a major conspiracy to turn red America, Europe and the rest of the Free World?  
After all, isn’t the Green new Red? Says TINA while at the same time it sends half of the gadgets you use to be ensembled in a communist China and shipped back to you by boats and trucks that run on the ISIS fuel.
While using its big buck, unlimited resources to make you color blind, at the same time TINA sells you a story of the opportunities on Mars. It wants you to believe that even if we finally skrew it up completely, perhaps living on a planet with no air to breed and average temperatures around -70 C, is not such a bad idea.
Being color blind surely helps, because on Mars there is no green, red or any other color but grey, which is easily adaptable to the reptilian brain. After all, the war that we are living is also an evolutionary war. It is a war among the reptile selfindulging brain that favors individual among anything else. And the new era brain, the one that promotes and seeks collaboration as an evolutionary response to challenges we are facing as a specie.
The reptile brain has no awareness of anything else beyond its self indulging needs and either chooses a TINA side or denies the consequences of human behavior to the Planet survival. 
The evolved brain has no doubts. It knows that this war is a battle between the capitalism and the planet and it has no doubts on whose side to be on.  
But this time it's really truth: there is no alternative. Weather you like it or not you are a part of this war. And if you still have doubts about which side to take, picture yourself living color blinded on Mars. There is your answer. 
To be continued….


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Signos Ulisesíacos

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