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Color blinded on Mars (2nd)

Transform CO2 into diamonds. It is what some Danish artist proposed to Chinese authorities as a response to reduce unbearable levels of pollution that their major cities have reached, due to several decades of irresponsible behavior of this hybrid social model that combines wild capitalism with bold communism. If we were to look into the mythology, the closest representation of this hybrid creation would be Hydra, the seven headed monster from the Greek mythology. For every head chopped off, the Hydra would regrow one or multiple heads.
So, in this story the Artist proposed converting pollution into diamonds and hydra (of course) both it.
What Hydra knows is that the purpose of art has never been to solve the problem, but to bring it out to human attention. What the Artist doesn’t (or doesn’t want to) know is the power that hydra has over our attention. It controls almost all the channels that shape the human attention. And any idea that helps hydra keep all its heads at the same place is more than welcome.
It is all part of the same plot I’ve been writing before, where Hydra (or TINA how I prefer to call it) makes us believe that eventually some witty genius entrepreneur will come up with a solution to clear the Earth from the CO2 and all the other  waste it leaves behind. So brother, why bother? 
Well brother you need to bother, because it’s all just a big scam to drive your attention from what really matters. It’s the part of the same script as the one suggested last year by Harvard professors[1] who advised that it is “technically possible” to decrease the atmosphere temperature by shooting in diamonds dust into air.
We are social animals and our brains are in a constant need for coherent stories. So if you have diamonds made out of Chinese CO2 and you need to shoot diamante dust into air in order to make planet a better place to live, all you need is to put 1+1 together and Voilá! We can finally relax, keep on pumping in CO2 and pave our streets and build our houses with diamonds.  
Take that you green communist bastards!
Well brother, if you believe that story than you are ready to live on Mars.

[1] Solar geoengineering using solid aerosol in the stratosphere. D. K. Weisenstein, D. W. Keith, and J. A. Dykema. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 2015 doi:10.5194/acp-15-11835-2015


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