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Mein Kampf ist Ganz unten

The title of this post brings together two books that have shaken the German modern history.
The first one is an essay written by an anonymous Austrian painter, whose creative frustrations transformed into political leadership that ended with millions of deaths and such a scale of devastation that the World has never witnessed before.
The second is an investigative work done by a German journalist who spent months disguised as a Turkish illegal immigrant at the beginning of the 80´s. In the "The Lowest of the Low", as it was translated originally, the author Günther Wallraff, was experiencing and exposing first-hand the difficulty of life in Germany's immigrant netherworlds.
“Three million copies of the book were sold over the ensuing three years, prompting the nation to put a more human face on its Turkish community, and also confront the unacceptable conditions this workforce had been subjected to since its arrival in the 1950s,”, as DW well resumed.
Few weeks ago I’ve been to Berlin. For me personally this great city is a symbol deeply rooted into my memory, since the collapse of the Wall, back in 1989, had a domino effect that ended with the country I has born in; Yugoslavia. From the scraps of the Berlin wall new walls were built, separating people by language, faith and nationality.
While in Berlin, “accidentally”, I came across the news that Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” is the best-selling book of the year in Germany.
My first impression was probably similar to most of the people who clearly associate Hitler’s figure with the darkest of the modern times. The news of the rise of interest and popularity for the book inevitably raises concerns and awakens symbols of fear and destruction.
But the first impression is what sells the news and the machine is programmed to run without further critical, ethical or investigative interest in bringing the whole picture to the reader.
Although Mein Kampf reached Number 2 on Der Spiegel Top 1o list, the small letter shows that 14,000 copies were sold, which is a very small percentage in a nation of 81 million people, and apparently the copies sold went mainly to academics, since the book edition contains 3.500 academic footnotes of interpretations and critics of the original work.
However, although compared to 12 million of books sold during the Nazi period (4 times more than Ganz unten), 14.000 sounds almost insignificant, there is motive for concern. If anything history has proven it is that humans love repeating patterns.
The rise of the Neo-Nazi ideology and their triumph on the local German election, the victory of the ultra-right ideas on the Austrian presidential elections are some of the elements of the pattern the great majority of Europe has buried in the past. But the increase of the followers of this retrograde ideas who (among other) seek to point out the refugees as the main treat to the social welfare and safety of their countries and eventually the whole Europe, must be taken seriously.
And it must be fought with intelligence, vision and universal values.
To start, every time someone wants to buy Mein Kampf:
  • he/she should first prove to have read Ganz unten.
  • the seller should be obliged to state clearly that Mein Kampf is based on hallucinations and Ganz unten on investigation.
  • 20-30% of the editor’s revenues should be destined to palliate the migrant crisis and facilitate integration.
Eventually, the light always breaks through. 


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