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We are all Wrong

The recent trend in media to unerline the nationality or the country of origin when revealing the terrorist identity, is just a long line of tradition that started with the 1st Industrial Revolution. Ever since we have become used to stereotype people’s country of origin by linking it to some certain common trades. Turkish truck drivers, Polish plumbers, Cuban doctors, Argentinian psychologists, Mexican gardeners… it’s just a small part of a wide range of stereotypes commonly found in most of the parts of the Western culture. The latest version of it is the media using the nationality/contry of origin of the terrorist in the same context as the indictment.
In a way, it is a normal response to the basic need of our brains to seek for coherence within the reality that tries to interpret. That is why we love the news headlines. But, the danger comes when the ethics are no longer involved in the process.
One of the most absurd examples of it I lived not long after coming to live in Spain. It was in the October of 2002. I was watching the news on the TV. Among all the others, one of them struck me for its absolute lack of coherence and ethics. The news reported that a group of masked robbers had attacked a security van carrying large amount of money belonging to one bank. In the attack one of the security guards was killed. The news report ended with a statement saying that the police had solid leads and that the cruelty shown by the attackers indicated that they were allegedly coming either from Eastern Europe or Latin America.
To anyone familiar with those two parts of the world it is obvious that there is very small resemblance between them. Culturally, linguistically and, in the certain degree, physiologically speaking the resemblance is similar to the one between Neymar and Lewandowski. But then again our brain loves coherence and the news produced simply coped with it. Very few people payed some attention to the fact that some months later the real perpetrators were brought to justice. They were Spanish.
The need for coherence makes us associate familiar images to the everyday events. Today is Easter and the image of a tall, long blond straight haired and pale skinned Jesus predominates the western imaginarium. But the probability of Jesus from Nazareth being tall, blond and pale is similar to Mohamed having the same appearance.   
What it all comes down to, in this homeostatic loop of cruelty that makes us all take parts and assume roles, is that we are all responsible for perpetuating these narratives that make young men and women, of whom their victims knew nothing about and who knew nothing about their victims, give their lives in ortder to and take innocent ones.  
Their unfortunate role is to perpetuate the narrative behind the construction of the “usual suspects” among us. Those common people, neighbors, colleagues and friends who struggle to live their lives despite the stigma brought upon them by the absolute minority that draws all our intention.
There is something (if not many things) we are not doing right to stop this madness and search for solutions. Instead of labeling, we should be thinking about how to get the “usual suspects” on our side and fight this insanity together.
So, instead of lightning up more candles and guessing the names of the cities to add on the template:
We are all…
let’s stop the loop and say:
We are all wrong.
Let’s take it from there. We can't change what happened, but we can start fixing our future past. Because eventually this war is not to determine who's right or wrong. It is to determine who's right and who's left.  

BTW If you have the answer to the question on the photo please write. 


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