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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2016

The Duality between GDP and Ecology – The Case of IKEA

The Tharawat Magazine , where I had a great pleasure to publish in several ocasions has launched its new web site. There is one article I  particulary enjoyed writting. Here it comes: _________________ From When world-renowned psychologist Daniel Kahneman coined the concept “What You See Is All There Is” (WYSIATI), he did so in order to describe the common tendency to simplify the complexity of the everyday phenomena that surround us. In his own words, WYSIATI means that we use the information we have as if it is the only information. Instead of contemplating and planning based on things that we don’t know, we make do with what we do know. This concept is central to the functioning of our mind. In our daily life we tend to give answers based only on the information we have available without acknowledging the importance of the data that is not available to us at the moment. Furthermore, we don’t necessarily consider how this could substantially alter th...

God save the Social Democracy

" If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him ". For many years I have been banging my head to find out what made Voltaire reverse the Genesis and desire for men to be creating God…. And then I came to Sweden. This hard working, innovative and nature loving people, faithful to their respect for freedom, independence and common good, rolled up their sleeves and in a few generations time invented God and called it social democracy.             It is closest the men can get to experience the benefits of faith in social order based on equality and progress. Some predict that it can’t last much longer and that it is a question of time before its institutions collapse. They blame it to the fact that it is an EU nation which, per capita, takes in the most refugees from the Middle East. But as long as its core values such as Open, Authentic and Caring remain intact it will stay strong and help integrate all the good willing newcomers. ...